Fashion in Family Photos

One of my favorite things about genealogy is coming across pictures of my ancestors. It’s amazing to see what my family members looked like and what they wore generations ago. They give me a peek into my past and offer plenty of inspiration for the fashion of days gone by.

I’ve shared some of my favorites below –

Nellie Stowell Howard and Stella Sexmith (cousins)7de6d617-08b9-4a69-a12d-e94a172af83382dde54c-cd67-420d-9bdb-a2fafd0828e87520e098-f354-49df-8cef-6456a9bcfdecOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

I have the physical copy of this photo of my great grandmother on my bookshelf.

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2 thoughts on “Fashion in Family Photos

  1. Fabulous- I love old family photos too. And those 1920s wedding photos always look so romantic and soft- my own grandparents’ wedding photo is lovely. We have hardly anything much earlier than that though, so I’m always quite envious of people who have photos that go back earlier! You are very lucky!


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